Butoh Workshop – The Space In-Between Led by Yael Karavan
‘”Again and again we are reborn. It is not enough simply to be born of the mother’s womb. Many births are necessary. Be reborn always and everywhere. Again and again.” Tatsumi Hijikata
Yael is sharing nearly 20 years of experience having worked with the founding members of Butoh Dance in Japan and Europe. The main elements explored are the space in-between, transformation and metamorphoses, dance through imagery, presence, awareness and the tension between opposites. The aim is to free the body from its mundane domestication and preconceived set of gestures and movements and thus allowing us to access a deeper and more authentic essence of movement and archetypal expression. Karavan is questioning and exploring the importance of Butoh in our current world and time.
“My dance is far removed from conventions and techniques, it is the unveiling of the inner life.” Tatsumi Hijikata